About devhelpr

In my job as an Application Developer, I want to serve people as good as possible. I achieve this using my up to date knowledge, and with good collaboration. From there I develop software that delivers value, is user-friendly, beautiful and interactive. I am result oriented and go straight at my goal.

For me, technology is just a tool and not a goal at it self. I adapt quickly, and shall use the environment or platform that fits the solution in the best way possible: Online, Offline, Website, Webapp, Mobile App, Api, Desktop, IoT Sensor, SQL, NoSQL, Graph Database, LLM's.

My current focus is mainly web frontend application development, I also regularly spend time in the Backend.

Freelance Developer

As a freelance developer I work on projects in scrum teams or by my self. Result, value, quality and delivering according to plan is important to me. An agile scrum way of working is essential with this. I find clear communication very important.

E-mail, Call or whatsapp me for an appointment or online video call: maikel@devhelpr.com or 06-45078914 (please leave a voicemail if you call me). I work (hybrid) and live in Doorn/Utrecht.

Code and Tools

I develop using the following programming languages and tools: Typescript, Javascript, React (using hooks), C#, Python, HTML5, (Modern) CSS/SASS/Postcss, Tailwind, Vite/Webpack, NodeJS, Jest, Testing-library, Redux/Zustand/Jotai, .NET, ASP.NET Core, SQL in mulitple tastes, Visual Studio/Code (with co-pilot), Git, Kentico CMS(MVC/Razor), Craft CMS(PHP/Twig), Webassembly (raw, using pyodide or via Rust), Azure devops, Monorepo's using yarn workspaces, lerna and NX, web workers

Visual Programming

As a side project I am developing a Visual programming system. The UI is an infinite canvas made using Vanilla Javascript/DOM.

You can find it here : codeflowcanvas.io.